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Chicken Broth

November 13, 2019 • 0 comments

Chicken Broth
Never buy chicken broth in the store again! This super easy broth will make all your recipes sing with flavor and nutrients.
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 4


  • (1 pkg.) Chicken Backs
  • (1 pkg.) Chicken Frames
  • (3, cut into chunks) Celery Ribs, with leaves
  • (3) Medium Carrots, cut into chunks
  • (1) Large Onion, cut into chunks
  • (2) Bay Leaves
  • (2) Garlic Cloves, whole
  • (1) Rosemary, bunch
  • (1) Thyme, bunch
  • (1-2 tbsp.) Whole Peppercorns
  • (2 tbsp) Himalayan Sea Salt
  • (2 qts, or until ingredients covered) Water
  • (1) Parsley, handful


Put all the ingredients** in a slow cooker and fill with enough water to just cover everything. 

Cook on low overnight or for at least 6 hrs


Freeze for up to a year or keep in the fridge for a few weeks! 

Enjoy higher quality soups and stews! 

*Shred the meat and keep if you would like to add it to your soup. 

**Either backs or frames can be used 
