Lamb Lollipop Chops on Sale Now - WOW your Partner this Valentine's Day! 💕

How It Works

Sign Up

Create your free account and choose the delivery zone of your residence.


Browse through our ever growing selection of pasture-raised products. Add the products you like to your order. There is a $175 minimum for all orders and a $199 threshold for Free Shipping!


Orders are shipped on Mondays and will arrive to your residence in either one, two, or three days, depending on your location.

Common Questions

When will my order be delivered?

Your order will be shipped on Monday for either Tuesday or Wednesday delivery, depending on your home address. You will receive tracking information by 10 am on Tuesday morning for your order.

In case of a major holiday like Memorial Day and Labor Day, your order will be shipped out Tuesday for Wednesday or Thursday delivery.

Who will deliver my order?

SpeeDee Delivery will deliver your order if you live in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, parts of Nebraska or Illinois. UPS will deliver if you live in any other state within the contiguous United States.

What if I am not home at the time of delivery?

No problem. The delivery carrier will leave your order at the front door in an insulated box. Once you do arrive home we just ask that you would unpack your items as soon as you are able to ensure freshness. Being available at the time of delivery is recommended.

When will my card be charged?

Your card will be charged when we process your order the day it gets shipped. Due to the fact that we are a small farm and not a large warehouse, we may occasionally run out of items from the time you order to the time we pack orders. In which case, we'll remove that product from your order and deduct it from the order total. If this puts you below the "free shipping" threshold, we'll still honor the free shipping :)

How should I expect my order to arrive?

All meat products are shipped frozen from our farm in a recyclable, insulated box with gel packs to ensure they maintain a safe, chilled temperature while in transit. Orders will be placed at your doorstep, unless specified otherwise at checkout.

What if my order arrives late?

If your order arrives past the expected delivery date, be sure to unpack it as soon as possible to ensure items are still at a safe, chilled temperature.

What if my products arrive not safe to consume?

We try our hardest to make sure that this very rarely happens. Our delivery carriers have a 98% on-time delivery rate, but for those few packages that are delayed, our policy is as follows:

Shipping Policy:

Products that are still cold to touch and/or below 40 degrees upon arrival are still completely safe for consumption and will be considered safely delivered. If products are not cold to touch or are above 40 degrees F, then we will file a claim with the shipping carrier and send a replacement the following week.