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Introductions and a weekly intern blog

written by

Shalini Karra

posted on

June 22, 2016

Sweltering heat and cool evenings can only mean one thing, summer is here! We’re steam rolling right into the thick of the craziness that is a North Dakota growing season. This summer we are starting a weekly blog with a post from a one of our five wonderful ladies working at the Brown’s ranch.

To start, a quick introduction to me. My name is Shalini Karra and this is my second year working with the Browns. I’m a California native with a wanderlust that has lead me around the world and dropped me on the doorstep of this incredible ranch. After attending a workshop about regenerative agriculture put on by Gabe and Paul in Albuquerque, I knew that this ranch was something special that I just had to be a part of. One year of interning and I was completely hooked. I have stayed on as their apprentice, more excited than ever to keep learning from such great mentors.

 Enough about me, you all want to hear about what’s happening on the ranch, right?

 We’re all done with calving and lambing season now. It’s such a joy to go out the pastures and see the gangs of little animals frolicking with each other. My passion for sheep got me into agriculture and lambing is by far my favorite time of the year!


Our garden is so happy with the rains we've gotten and is now blooming and producing! We’re so excited to offer a variety of vegetables this year at the farmer’s market! Be on the lookout for combination packages and deals featuring our heirloom vegetables and meat products.

We have expanded our work force by bringing in four great women! You will get introduced to each of them through this blog and we’re excited to have them on our Brown’s Ranch team. It’s looking like it is going to be an incredible year!



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