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Grilled Apricot-Glazed Ham Steak with Beet Reduction Sauce

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posted on

July 26, 2015


1 Nourished by Nature ham steak

2/3 cup of apricot marmalade

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 tbsp. ground mustard

Dash of ground cloves

3 beets (sliced thinly)

3 whole cloves

2 tbsp. sugar

1/3 cup blackberry preserve

2 tbsp. honey

1/2 cup red wine


Add the blackberry preserve, sugar, honey, red wine, whole cloves, and sliced beets to a saucepan. Cook over medium heat and stir often until the sauce is reduced to a semi-thick consistency. While the sauce is reducing, mix the apricot marmalade, brown sugar, ground mustard, and ground cloves to make the glaze. Baste the thawed ham steak with the glaze. Start the grill and add the steak when when it reaches 450 degrees. Sear on each side for 2 minutes. Then turn the grill down to 325 and cook for approximately 6 minutes. By this time the beet sauce should be reduced. Serve ove the steak and enjoy!

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