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Farewell to the Flock

written by

Paul Brown

posted on

January 31, 2019

After I returned home from college in 2010, I was (and still am) full of ideas and energy, ready to tackle the ranching life. While making the decision to start Nourished by Nature, I was determined to diversify the livestock species on our ranch and sell those products to people looking for nutrient-dense foods. In 2013, two years after adding chickens, I decided to purchase 20 head of ewes and one ram so in late June I made the journey up to the northeastern part of the state to pick them up and began my journey as a sheep farmer!

As with about everything I do, it was the school of hard knocks, learning mostly through experience. I hadn’t been around sheep at all before I bought them so handling them was all new to me. In college I had heard that sheep were gregarious, meaning that they liked to stay together, but didn’t appreciate what it meant until the first time I tried to sort them. I was used to handling cattle so I figured that sheep wouldn’t be much different…piece of cake when done right. Wow, did they prove me wrong! During my first sheep weaning endeavor, I had sorted the lambs from their mothers just like we do with cattle. So, I left the ewes behind me in the alleyway and turned my back toward them to take the weaned lambs to their pen. As I was walking the lambs down the alley, I was bowled over by a ball of sheep steaming past me to rejoin their lambs. GREGARIOUS! After the ewes joined their lambs, I got a second chance to start the process all over. Although, the second time I figured it would be wise to pen the ewes behind me so that I didn’t have another episode.

Over the next few years, the school of hard knocks continued with the sheep enterprise. I knew that I needed to get them some protection from predators while out on pasture, so I found a source for guard dogs and headed to Wisconsin to pick up a young dog that was raised with sheep, ready to take on the guard duties. As soon as I got her home from the 700-mile journey I put her in with the flock to bring some normalcy to her life. Well, the next morning I ventured out to where the sheep were and found out that the dog had not acclimated well to the flock. Needless to say, she was on house arrest for a while and had to be looked after. Eventually I had to sell her to some people with land (and no sheep). Other hard knocks learning experiences I faced included not pulling the ram soon enough so that lambing occurred way sooner than expected in March and the lack of adequate fencing. The first summer we had them out grazing in the pastures they decided to go for a vacation and headed down the gravel road over interstate 94 to the neighbors. I can’t imagine what the drivers on I-94 thought when they saw a flock of sheep walking down the overpass!

Although now that we have good guard dogs and the sheep have done great lambing out on pasture in May, we have decided to sell our breeding flock. There were a few factors in our decision, such as labor to manage them and additional fencing infrastructure needed, but by far the one that outweighed the others was a large increase in processing costs. In September, we were notified by our processing plant that our prices would be increasing 25% per head due to the waste management company picking up the offal (waste) discontinuing service. Unfortunately, the nearest landfill that accepts the “waste” is 90 miles from the plant. Therefore, the processing plant now must have one of their own employees make the 3.5 hour round-trip to dispose of the offal which is costly and must be passed on to the processing cost. When so much additional cost is added per head to a sheep that yields 40 pounds of meat, it adds up. It was never and has never been my intent to sell our sheep on the commodity market. My goal was to direct-market everything we raised, and we were able to do it successfully over the past 6 years.

In order to make selling lamb work financially for us, we need to increase prices another 25%. We realize that it is already an expensive protein but are planning on keeping it available at this time. Although we sold the breeding flock, we will still have some of our wethers that were born last spring to harvest throughout 2019. Towards the end of the year we will re-evaluate the lamb enterprise and see how things are going. Unfortunately, there are no other processing plants in the state that are inspected to process lamb, so it leaves our options very limited. Processing continues to be the biggest hurdle we face in getting our products to you.

Though it was a tough decision for us to let go of our flock, due to the above circumstances we felt that it was the best route for us to take at this time. Lambing was a treasured time on the ranch that will be missed by all of us!

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The Egg Shortage- "It's like toilet paper during Covid!"

If you live in the US, you've probably been affected by the egg shortage in some type of way. Whether you had to go out of your way to find eggs, pay double the normal price, or had to buy the carton of egg whites at the store because that was the only thing they had, it would be fair to say that you've "been affected in some sort of way". If you're someone who normally doesn't eat eggs then you've managed to come out of this whole thing relatively unscathed.  The latest report as of Wednesday, Feb 20th 2025 stated that there have been 23.51 M birds affected by the highly pathogenic avian influenza. There is an asterisk by the word "affected", and below it says:*number of birds on confirmed infected premises. The USDA has a specific outlined protocol for any confirmed cases of HPAI. Below is the document that outlines how even just one positive case can lead to the "depopulation" of hundreds of thousands- and even millions in some cases- of birds. Please note the difference between "depopulation" and "euthanasia". I don't really think anything else needs to be said about this protocol. Whether you agree with this protocol or not, I just wanted you to be aware of what is happening right now with regards to the bird flu and egg shortage.Many people have said to me "Oh! It's like the toilet paper during covid situation!" While that's fun to joke about and the fact that there is indeed a shortage is true, the cause is actually very different.The current egg crisis is simply a decrease in supply due to the "depopulation" of millions of laying hens. The toilet paper shortage during covid was due to rigid supply chains that couldn't adapt quickly enough to the change in consumer demand. Demand for industrial toilet paper typically used by restaurants and hotels (the really rough stuff) plummeted due to forced closures while demand for home tp- like Charmin and Angel Soft- sky rocketed. Supply chains for the two different kinds could not adapt and while there was plenty of industrial toilet paper, there was no way to get it into grocery stores and that's not what home consumers are looking for anyways. Manufacturers were found scrambling, unable to adapt and the end consumer, [us], suffered the consequences. All of that being said, we are doing our best to keep our hens happy and healthy throughout the winter.  That means providing them with apple cider vinegar for gut support, oyster shell for added minerals and calcium, straw bedding so they can keep warm, and finally a wood ash/compost dust bath so they can stay dry and manage their feathers and skin health naturally. For those of you outside of our pickup location range, I wish we could offer our eggs to you, however, the cold winter temps prevent us from safely shipping eggs without them freezing in transit. If you're struggling to find a local egg producer near you, I'd recommend going on the Eat Wild site that has producers listed by state and category. All you have to do is find your state and search for eggs in your area. We've found the Eat Wild website to be a great resource for consumers like you to find food sources they can trust in their area. 

Pasture Raised Pork Lard vs. Crisco

I have to admit, I was one of those kids who was raised on margarine.  I was raised on the belief that using animal intestines for sausage casings was disgusting and I needed to make sure the frijoles at the Mexican restaurants were lard free because lard will make me fat and shouldn’t be eaten.  As a kid, you don’t really question these things, you just accept them as your parents instruct you to and carry on. Well, things started to change for me when I came to Brown’s Ranch and heard a different story for the first time.  It is actually honoring the animal to use every part of it, including the intestines and all. Why wouldn’t you want to use as much of the animal as possible if the rest of it is being used already?  Also, I learned that how the animal was raised also plays a huge part in the nutritional value of the meat. Grassfed beef is completely different from grain fed in so many more ways than I could ever imagine.  The same goes for pork raised on pasture and everything else we grow on our farm. Here’s the link to a blog that Paul wrote about the pigs on pasture a few years ago that you might find entertaining. If you want to read about our fatty acid profile testing as well, you can follow this link. As we head into the holiday baking season, I wanted to share a quick comparison of our pastured pork lard to Crisco, the most commonly used vegetable shortening in baking. If you think about it, soybean oil and palm oil are naturally liquid at room temperature. That's why they're called oils. So why is Crisco a solid at room temp? Well it's because of the hydrogenation that's done which creates trans fats that are completely unnatural and something that our bodies don't know what to do with; causing inflammation. *More about TBHQ: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved TBHQ as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). However, some research suggests that long-term exposure to high doses of TBHQ can have negative health effects, including:  Cytotoxic effects Genotoxic effects Carcinogenic effects Mutagenic effects **Source for this: https://www.nourishedwithnatur... Will you stand with us to create a Crisco free holiday season this year? Order your Pastured Pork Lard instead! Completely rendered and ready to use. Just keep it in the fridge for convenient usage.  Sidenote: Refried beans made with lard are THE BEST. Traditional Mexican cuisine typically still uses pork lard because of its high smoke point, superior texture and flavor, and overall superior versatility to any other cooking oil.